Disclaimer: Didn't "play", just watched some friends play the co-op mode but felt involved enough to include myself in the experience and mark "Played", but I don't feel right leaving a rating. Given this games nature as an elevated pick-your-own-adventure novel with some quick-time events, my backseat gaming was effectively little different from playing it myself. While the end of that last sentence smacks sour to the "purist" part of my taste buds, and does NOT apply to the vast majority of videogames, I'm now in a position where I'll never be able to truly experience the game as intended anyway. I certainly wont be purchasing the game to press those button prompts myself, nor would I likely ever be motivated to if the game were currently in my library.

On that note; While the game lends itself to be repayable, due to the way its structured it is like to rely more on player incompetence than any moral or philosophical choices to experience different interesting outcomes. Despite its shortcomings, the experience was overall a good one. I'm certain I'd be feeling the same way playing it with a friend rather than watching 2 friends play and gaffing, but I also would never have bothered playing this game alone. A bit cheap with jump-scares but its novelties were charming and made for some unique moments. Focusing on the quality of the cinematics was a good choice, but a little more effort could have been made to make the actors feel more natural during certain branching choice elements. It wasn't anything to write home about, but it wasn't a waste of time either.

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2022
