I was looking forward to this game as I downloaded it alongside Hellblade 2 from Game Pass, but it just ended up being very disappointing for me. So I'm not a huge Warhammer 40k fan or anything, but I do love boomer shooters and the idea of one set in the Warhammer 40k universe sounded like a match made in heaven to me.

Unfortunately this was just not for me. The sound design is excellent and the guns feel nice and weighty when you fire them. The problem is the mission design is very boring with you just collecting keycards, which yes is a staple of the sub genre, but like I need more than that at this point. Sure I don't mind the odd keycard objective here and there, but some variety is needed. About the only other thing the game does is just have lots of horde mode sections where you are locked in a big room and have to fight waves of enemies, which again is another staple of the genre, but they throw TOO many enemies at you. It's hard to dodge bullets when you're essentially a walking tank and there's enemies spawning all around you and hitting you from all directions. I had to switch to god mode in some of the sections as I just couldn’t get through them and I was playing on medium difficulty. You can say skill issues on my part, but I just say it's bad difficulty balancing.

What killed it for me though was the level design, which looked great visually and I love the game's art style, but it's very easy to get lost in them. My breaking point was when I muted the game's audio so I could listen to a podcast while playing (I was tuned out at that point), finished another horde mode section and then spent 20 minutes wandering around, with no idea where to go next. At that point, I was done.

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
