Playtime: 4 Hours
Score: 6/10

An okay DLC. So this DLC is required in order to continue playing after the main story ends and it raises the level cap to 30. In terms of the story its just a continuation of Brotherhood of Steel vs the Enclave and you destroying them once and for all. It adds a couple of new locations to the main map but you don't go to a new area or anything which was disappointing. Story wise its okay but theres not much really other then just doing mission after mission until the end. The final mission was also annoying to play through as your constantly being assaulted by Sentry bots and Enclave soldiers which wasn't really fun. Plus at one point I encountered an unkillable Ghoul that was glitching out and wouldn't die, so I eventually just ran past it.

They do give you a choice at the end where to send the orbital strike with you being able to betray the Brotherhood or destroy Rivet City or Megaton, but there's no real moral greyness to it, its just either be the good guy or be a bad guy. Overall, its fun enough but one of the more above average DLCs for me.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
