Played this since it was free on PS plus for the platinum trophy and it was lackluster, to say the least. I have only played a few visual novel games so I'm not the most experienced when it comes to this genre. I also haven't played any of the BlazBlue games since this game is a prequel to that series. But I just couldn't stand this one!

To start with the pros, the story did have some emotional moments that did get me to feel something with one of the two main characters. I also liked the Phantom field levels which are these 8-bit sections where one of your characters has to answer riddles and collect fragments. While it's pretty basic it at least gave you something else to do and was a break from reading walls of texts and staring at static images.

The story overall though was just cheesy, uninspired and boring to play through. I did enjoy one of the characters' sections, but it's very little compared to the other character Es, who's story is just dull and boring. The game is also too long as once you reach a certain chapter, the story "ends" and is basically over but you then have to play through the dreaded epilogue. In the epilogue, there are no more phantom field levels to break up the gameplay, as it's just walls and walls of text with the boring character, Es. To top it off the epilogue section has more chapters in it then the actual main story does, which makes absolutely no sense to me. I just hated this section so much because ultimately in the grand scheme of the story, it feels like unnecessary padding to make the game longer. Overall, unless you're a fan of the Blazblue series, I wouldn't really recommend this one.

Trophy Overview Section:
The game is relatively easy as it mostly requires you to just play through the story. You do have to collect all the fragments in the Phantom field sections as well as all the games TIPS, which are codex entries that basically act as the game's collectables. My advice is to just explore every corner of the phantom levels, so you don't miss anything. There is no chapter select, so I highly recommend making separate saves at the start of each chapter and phantom level so you don't miss anything in case you have to go back. The game does save your overall progress with TIPS, so going to back to an old chapter to get a missing TIP, will count to your progress and won't require you to play the game from that chapter to the end again. In terms of the riddles, there are plenty of text guides online that tell you the answers so it's pretty easy.

Reviewed on Dec 30, 2022
