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persona 5 is extremely good, what can i say?

i wanted to get into this game for a long time since seeing joker added in smash, because joker was absolutely snazzy, but only got into it like last year so i'm a pretty new persona fan

i like the anime art style, i like JRPGS, so this was a total hit with me. let's discuss!

- story was really good. its... i'll say the ending is pretty goofy & extreme considering the point you start at, but its to be expected of a story where a bunch of kids band together to end committers of crimes
- individual characters are all of pretty good quality! favourite personally is futaba because she lives in her room & eats a lot of instant noodles n curry & collects figures n stuff very relatable, also her actual character arc is great, akechi is cool because he is very interesting with the context of how illegitimate children are treated in japan etc.
- visually it holds up imo since it has great art direction
- MUSIC IS SO GOOD!!! though you might be sick of hearing it, since you've heard it in every single youtube video you've ever watched i assume lmao
- hot take i like the jp voices more than the eng voices (except for ann because i'm a huuuuuuge venti fan) but all-around the voice acting is good
- just the overall gameplay is so much fun, i've played through the whole thing twice in both languages & really enjoyed my time with the overall loop, i didn't want to put the game down once i had finished it!

...but, there are a few negatives keeping this from being perfect. Major spoilers ahead, you've been warned.

- needing to replay the whole game JUST for maruki's palace is... seriously? like i had fun, because i love the game, but man having to replay the entire game JUST for the extra palace that i missed on my initial blind playthrough is annoying. but, it was well-worth it because imo his palace's music could nearly be considered the best, the enemies looking like horrific creatures when they chase you is excellent & he genuinely made me stop & think about his deal.

- you can't date the guys man ;( the female characters are great of course but throw a bone to the guy enjoyers out here, i'm a straight woman so i just picked the character i liked the most in the story to date to make them happy (futaba) but for my second playthrough to spice things up i went for ann since i was playing eng dub that time

really a good game on the whole, & those issues are miniscule but they would make this into a perfect game if they fixed those things. good stuff! do recommend!

side-note; their merch quality is good, i own the futaba & akechi nendos & have ordered another futaba figure soon to come :) i would appreciate some better plushes tho, the ones i've seen are kinda mid or weird

P.S. morgana is not that annoying. as a cat person he is simply not annoying. not after experiencing JP dub teddie in persona 4.

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

+ i want to add, the game is also not that hard & being able to pick up broken DLC personas immediately is a questionable decision lmao but at least it allows people to make funny nuke content