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this game makes me go insane because i love it so much.

TLDR; this game is not hard but if you want to have a quality novel-like story experience i beg you to play this

alright my autism kind of activates when i gush about this game. i have to say literally anything that has 'redemption' on the end of it makes me go !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WOAH ITS REDEMPTION

the story starts slow but you really ease into it. i played this game in increments until i blasted a lot at the end because i got too invested in what was going on. i remembered everything that was going on each time because it was a fun story to follow, & Arthur is one of the most likeable outlaws ever

this goofy american time is such a delight & i really don't want to spoil anything in this review because the main reason i would recommend this to anyone is the plot.

this is the kind of story that i wish i could show everyone in my family because its so good but they are all fossils who do not know how to play video games, but i feel like this story works so well in this medium because it really took its time with things & used those full hours of playtime to really do something special

also the song at the end is so so so so so good especially if you get the good ending & it is so emotional & i can't say arthur morgan out loud without nearly crying each time

arthur you are the goat & this game is the goat if you haven't played it somehow do that right now you will not regret it

main complaints;

- you can't save during missions. if you've started a mission, prepare to finish it; granted they are only ever like 20-30 mins a pop but would be nice for the longer ones

+ i'm an irish person myself so the random amount of irish people was fun

also, i hate gore & blood anything like that, & almost didn't play because of it. so for my fellow gore-haters; if you mostly steer clear of your dead bodies you'll be fine, there is like 2 really violent parts in the story where i had to look away. spoilers ahead for those who need this;

1. there is a part where a head with its eyes... ehmmmhmhnmhmhmhm is shown to you out of nowhere. maybe not that bad but it was gross to me

2. your final camp in the game requires you to enter this... VERY grotesque cavern with a terrifying statue thing outside of it. look away for that bit, enter the cave quickly & get to your goalpost fast, then you will remove the scary statue outside

my squeamishness was still able to handle this, so you should be fine

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2024
