(did a playthrough with Roland)
Well, he artstyle is amazing, and damn different compared to other FPSs I've touched. The characters and plot are quirky and amusing but not much else. But they still compliment the game just fine.
The gameplay, like the artstyle, is pretty unique. Getting further in and more used to it, the weapon proficiency system is actually pretty satisfying. Coupled with the RPG leveling up thing, it just gets me to experiment with different weapons and elements in general. Getting more powerful and being able to blaze through previous areas and enemies that gave me shit, feels awesome.
....THAT SAID, the difficulty can feel goddamn annoying at points. Enemies, depending on the area at least, can easily swarm and overwhelm you. That coupled with the fact the enemies, regardless if you're one or two levels below or above them, can hit you hard, well it can be an enormous pain in the ass.
TLDR: it can be fun, and it's definitely not like other shooters I've played, but it definitely ain't a cakewalk (at least on the Normal setting).

Reviewed on Dec 25, 2023
