Solar ash is a weird one to describe, it's a bunch of genres into one, but for the most part it provides you with a the felling of freedom while jumping around it's gorgeous worlds, for me it's like you picking up a 3d platformer, merging it with a game like the pathless or journey and finish it up with some shadow of the colossus and then you have this game.

As a fan of 3d platformers this game is a blast, just skating around, dashing, waving , grappling hooking into points to defeat enemy's is a lot of fun, sure the game isn't precise, but that's alright because the game isn't punishing either, quite the opposite really it respects the player with a clever checkpoint and retry system that incentivises you to go as fast as you can and to not be afraid to fail.

Overall a great experience, even though the narrative bits went a little over my head, those were just a little counterpoint to the mechanical prowess that Solar Ash provides.

Reviewed on Sep 26, 2023
