Bro NEVER trust Wikwi or his friend Macklemore on ANYTHING, their reviews absolutely sucked. I tried this shit out and I came out covered with shit, it was a god damn bombfest of turds dropping on me and oh. my. god. This shit was NOT fun, maybe a bit with some friends or something but na, after I think about it, probably my friends carried the fuck outta this game. Go be the witch irl or something and cry in a corner, on GOD i will clap your ass (not sexually) if you try to gas this game up. Once again (Talking to you, Wikwi and Macklemore), play a real game like Genshin Impact, the GOAT of all GOATS.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2023


1 year ago


1v1 me in fortnite. Ninja sword only.
This a is a gauntlet. After this, launch CSGO (god bless Gaben and his epic video games). We will 1v1 in agency (no AWPS)
After this (you will be so weak and distraught from the prior 2 losses), we will launch duke nukem pvp.
Pistols only, no cigarette buffs.
Worst 2 out of 4 loses the battle and claims the title as smallest balls in the galaxy

1 year ago

You are real ballsy to even try this, good luck. Starting in 3..2..1.. Oh, I won. How odd.. All this just to lose INSTANTLY to me? Wow.