It took me 4 tries to finally get into Yakuza 0, and boy am I glad I kept trying.

With 20 minutes of opening cutscenes and a drawn out tutorial for the dull combat, Yakuza 0 doesn't put it's best foot forward. But push just a little further and it is very likely you'll fall in love with this game as much as I did.

What finally got me through that hump was being told by a friend to 'treat Yakuza like a TV show'. When the cutscenes start don't grab your phone, but some popcorn. Don't binge through the game, rushing to the next chapter or gameplay segment, but enjoy every moment.

Beyond straight-up walking simulators, Yakuza is one of the most story-focused games I've played. Not only are the cutscenes frequent and long, but they're expertly crafted and utterly engaging.

You won't play the side quests because you want to beat up another group of thugs but because you want to experience whatever zany plotline those thugs are connected to.

With stuffed with camp and featuring tons of heart, Yakuza has quickly become one of my all-time favorite franchises, and 0 is the perfect entry point.

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2021
