I’m giving it a solid 3 stars but I’ll be honest and say I dropped it. While I love Digimon and the story was interesting it all was just too tedious. The first annoyance was it’s awful mission tracking, barely giving you any detail on your current and where you’re supposed to be or who you need to talk too, so good luck if you have to put it down for a couple of days and forget where you were. Then the long character conversations started to weigh on me, with a ton of needless conversations to slog through. But the nail in the coffin was the evolution design. A Digimon game should be about collecting Digimon and digivolving them into cooler stronger Digimon. Straight forward, right? Not in Cyber Sleuth. Not only do you have to raise CAM through battles but you also have the incredibly stupid AGI that you de-digivolve to obtain, where 1 battle with equal 1 ABI point, and the higher evolutions require insane amounts of ABI. It all just became too tedious and started feeling like a chore to play through.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2022
