honourbound to leave it at played instead of completed, but i've played enough to call. knowing me, i will 1CC all the tracks one of these days, but i do think getting to that point is more difficult than power drift, hang-on, and outrun, respectively. despite its uncompromising difficulty and reliance on route memorization, super hang-on is yet another point of evidence in favour of yu suzuki being the archduke of arcades, a true romantic in every sense of the word. suzuki and co. have a singular, striking vision of what games should be - tires should be wailing on the tarmac, all games should be expansive journeys, bright and bold skies should be your voiceless narrator. more committed to individualist and insular mastery than outrun's chill vibes - a game that recognizes giacomo agostini and dale earnhardt were the last samurai. debatably a better soundtrack than outrun as well, just a totally impressive package from top to bottom. master the roads contours, treat every passing corner as a duel, and hang on for dear life

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2021
