Another F2P game strongly held back by being a F2P game.

Caliber is a character-based 3rd person shooter heavily influenced by SOCOM, there is PVE and PVP, and while PVE has some merits the real meat and potatoes of this game is the PVP.

So, it's your standard 4v4 elimination rounds, and I personally love elimination round style multiplayer games, I find it much more engaging and intense than a death-match, but much better paced than a battle-royale. Minus some feelings of jank and lag at times, the gun-fights in this game are quite good. Coordinating strategies with your 3 teammates feel awesome and outsmarting your enemy unironically feels tacticool. This phenomenal feeling of tactics, quick reactions, teamwork, and quick deaths create a very enthralling game that I'd easily recommend, but it's the things surrounding this excellent game that bring this down to a 3.

There are an insane amount of characters, or operators, to choose from. They're all based off of real factions and some are pretty sick, they have solid character design and unique abilities, the amount of operators and all the different perks/abilities can feel very overwhelming, but the larger problem arises with upgrading and unlocking them.

I am not a fan of the upgrading system, it puts veteran players at a MAJOR advantage over everyone else, think star cards from SWBF2 2017, where you can grind to unlock perks and stats that just flat out make you better than previously. It is an unfair system and I am not a fan, though admittedly this wouldn't be such a detrimental deal if upgrading and unlocking operators didn't take such a long time.

No really, the grind in this game is absolutely absurd, it takes serious time to upgrade and unlock operators. You must first get the XP to even have the option to upgrade, which can take forever, then you must pay credits to actually upgrade. These credits are either earned through a very harsh grind or with a pretty absurd amount of real money, which sucks.

With so many choices for operators and perks/upgrading being an extremely important advantage, a player must decide what operator they want and stick with that pick for a very long time. Choosing an operator can be very difficult, even going into training and testing out their abilities wont give a proper feel for how they are in-game, so you are basically taking a calculated guess on if this operator will suit you or not, and regardless of the result you are stuck with the operator for, again, a very long time.

I think I've harped on about the F2P woes enough, it just saddens me that such an extremely fun 4v4 SOCOM-like game is stuck with such horrible progression and monetization systems.

I'd still recommend Caliber just expect the F2P nonsense and try to look past it, for the actual game is, to my knowledge, currently the best SOCOM game right now.

Reviewed on Sep 08, 2023
