More like Max Plain am I right fellas XD

In all seriousness Max Payne is still a good time, but I don't know if it wholly holds up.

This game took me about 9-10 hours to complete, the gun-play is fairly basic and the killer feature is bullet-time/diving. Unfortunately diving kinda sucks as it leaves you extremely vulnerable for large amounts of time, so general gameplay involves constantly pressing bullet-time, headshotting bad guy, repeat. It's not the worst thing in the world I just feel like there's so much more to do with these systems, as future games later do. I will also add, some enemies feel overly spongy, like why do I have to blast a guy with a shotgun point-blank more than 3 times to kill him?

Max Payne is also hindered by constantly cheap gotcha moments where enemies will catch you off guard by popping around a corner, behind you, some awkward angle, or just randomly throwing a grenade that blows up almost instantly, all combined with a very quick time-to-die, you are certain to be dying and loading non-stop. Levels can also be quite long so you'll honestly just be forced into constantly save-scumming, lest you wanna play the same sections over and over until you remember all the traps that lay ahead. It's honestly not the funnest loop, I felt really forced into save-scumming even when I didn't want to, it's like levels were built with it in mind, as there is a cheap trap you'd have no way of reacting to first try every minute or so. In a game where I want to be a badass flying around smoking dudes I am forced to play it extremely tactical and slow, which is a bummer. This isn't completely true in the first half of the game but it is definitely true in the second.

The other chunk of gameplay is the platforming, which is frankly clunky and just not that fun either. It feels very slippery, which is unfortunate because everything surrounding the platforming sections is incredible atmosphere.

Though I'm complaining about gameplay woes, gunfights can still be fun and intense enough, moving through levels is a good feeling, there's a cathartic vibe to it where you just begin to get into the zone of it all and just keep pushing forward, which is a nice natural feeling that I always enjoy in games.

The story however is excellent and kinda carries. Pretty awesome voice work, beautiful visuals, and a rich noir style. The story and characters themselves have a sense of self-awareness yet play it overly-serious, it's some perfect shlock and you can just tell they had a fun time making this.

A heavily influential title that despite having some poorly executed gameplay ideas still manages to be an engaging time with a very fun story.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2023
