The best LEGO game ever. One of my most played games as a child, absolutely loved it. Great slapstick humor that has aged well, variation in levels due to just using the star wars films. The character roster is awesome. Though now it may seem dull compared to newer LEGO games, it holds up in some aspects and is a generally good time, not like LEGO games have changed much. The game is just mostly fun.

The main drawback to this game and every LEGO game is that it is ridiculously easy. The game treats you like a brain dead moron and therefore there is little to no challenge, and no consequences for failure. This can make the game stale and boring, but it's got so much charm it holds up mostly. Oddly enough the game play is the weakest aspect of this game and really all LEGO games. I think I give this game and other Lego titles a 3.5 mostly out of nostalgia.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
