Played on a PS2 Fat

Now, I am not a racing fan. The only racing games I've really played was Mario Kart and Forza and I'm good at Mario Kart, but I literally couldn't win a race online in Forza. I've hardly played any realistic racing games is what I'm saying, and while I know Gran Turismo is like kinda a mix of simulation and arcade it's realistic for me. Just wanna let you guys know I know very little in this genre.

I really enjoyed this game. I was super frustrated at first, as I couldn't win any races and I didn't understand how literally any of the mechanics worked. But I slowly learned and learned, I started passing the licenses easily and winning races. The learning curve is truly masterful, really feels good to finally understand how to do a sharp turn. It's also notable even after learning how to win, races are still thrilling and fun. I never lost that sense of intensity.

The car selection is huge, especially for a PS1 game. I know the second game is even larger but I haven't played anything else in the series yet. All the cars are cool and feel different. There are like 5 sections of different types of vehicles I think, and each is like a completely different planet. Even changing between cars that are the same type is a noticeable difference. I'm not a car guy at all, but the cars in this game are pretty cool as well. Modding your cars is also a nice feature and adds depth.

I just wanna talk about the soundtrack for a second, the soundtrack is fucking killer. Literally almost every song is fucking great, really makes you wanna race. Even the menu music is super good, and how every dealership has their own unique music, and all of them sound great. I love this soundtrack.

I only played the traditional mode, where you start out with some cash and buy a shitty car, then build your way up through gaining licenses and winning cups. It has a great flow to it and is a lot of simple fun.

The maps were somewhat simple cause y'know, there's only so much they can possibly do, yet somehow each map feels distinct and you'll know every map by heart after some time playing. This game also looks great for a PS1 game, one of the best graphically I've seen.

All in all, Gran Turismo is a legendary racing game and has a lot to offer, it's aged quite well I think and I'd highly recommend it. Play it.

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
