This is the NES one btw.

Another terrible Arnold game. This game is so fucking lame man.

The game has 5 levels, and they seem to hit the key moments of the film, but yeah idk man, level design is pretty lame here.

The entire combat is just walking up to an enemy, mashing punch, backing away, repeat. That is the game. It isn't satisfying or fun at all, just super tedious and boring. The boss at the bar is fucking annoying man. Also why is Arnold just a normal sized guy that dies from punches?

The biking level looks cool but it's really just a nightmare to play, controls like hell. Whole game is just rough man.

I will say the game looks pretty cool, and the death screen is actually awesome. The terminator theme is absent though. I feel like if ljn actually put more care into this is could have been a good one, but this just sucks. Feels like a cash grab.

Not worth playing really at all!

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
