TLDR: It's kino and you're all wrong

I'm not a big review guy, but I feel like I must speak up about this game
I will start by saying that I won't excuse the lazy game design, but not because it's bad, but because it's not innovative enough to be a sequel

The game hitting you with something so hard like the Gurdurr arc in the first two hours was the best red carpet for what was going to happen next. You building Paradise with your friends, and then just getting to know everyone important to you and seeing their lows and downs, like Virizion's insecurity and self-sheltering and Dunsparce gaining heart after spending more time with your party, Emolga purposefully sending Dunsparce to the Great Glacier when he also wanted to go to that adventure, Espeon breaking up in front of the square because of the guilt of leaving something as dangerous as the Entercards with Swadloon, the plot twist with Munna and Hydreigon, everything was so soulful and so human, I was immersed completely that I didn't even care about mashing A (even though I got around using the cheat later) to see more of the dialogue
The themes of hope, despair, the world going to shit and whatever were so powerful, there are like a million scenes where your partner stands up against all of this because everyone being bad doesn't mean you have to be, and the build up until the last chapter where everyone loses hope but gains it when they see the Rainbows, thinks of the future and how they want to change for the better was MASTERFUL, when even the team was considering just letting it all to Kyurem and die in hopes the new world was better than this one. The game handles getting people out of their insecurities and getting to trust people again so well, even I was inspired by all of this. It just hits different when every character is a thinking and emotional being that learns from their mistakes and betters themselves into a better person, like Virizion and Dunsparce

The ending is just another thing that made this game an easy 5 for me. I don't really think I have to say anything as an argument other than that Frism message, which was a powerful testament of how you built your relationships with everyone, even that one Patrat from Post Town, how you saved everyone and how everyone feels about your friendship, even saying they won't ever forget you even if the world makes them.

Sky was the last good one? I don't think this one is bad. I'm not saying I like this one over Sky which is a masterpiece all of its own, but whenever people say this flopped or whatever, it's sad to think they never played it, or that they left it halfway, or that they simply didn't read the text, because this game's story is powerful, is inspiring, is endearing, with colorful and fleshed out characters that just trascend beyond the bad inclusion of Paradise or that they didn't add anything new other than the Team Attack

I absolutely love this game, I encourage everyone to play it again and pay attention to how it builds up every moment, how it presents its characters and world and more importantly, how it all ends with you having a successful and strong bond with everyone in your party. It's disappointing how people don't see this beyond the gameplay aspect.

Reviewed on Jan 14, 2023

1 Comment

1 year ago

Makes me happy to see people gradually warm up to this game (or just gradually give it more of a chance lol). My review on it is one of my favorites I've written.