I found this game on YouTube years ago and thought: "well, the story seems nice. I will give it a shot!".

Terrible mistake.
You see, as horrible as this game is, Fahrenheit has some good points.
The start is absolutely amazing, you will find yourself hungry for answers as you control two detectives and Lucas, a guy who has just killed someone while possesed.

The story develops pretty good in start, but theb you will find yourselft tired of FIVE MINUTE QTE SEQUENCES that just SEND YOU TO START at any mistake with terrible timing.

You know, this is a game. And every time you need to play it, it gets really frustrating. A lot.

And then... Well. The story.

When you are in, idk, maybe 60% of the game, you will see that the guy who wrote this should stop doing drugs. I mean, seriously.

You just turn (with no plausible reason) the thriller and tense detective story into a low quality hero story.
Lucas just... Jesus.
Lucas just turns into a superpowerful human, mixing Matrix and Star Wars FOR NO REASON AND WITH MORE QTEs.

The story was still solid back then, so i kept playing.

Into the 80% Lucas just... Come back from the dead. And then you just get on a Jedi Force battle with some priest because of a 2 yo child who is the answer of everything, and of course.. WHY NOT SOME GOD A.I. HUH?

Really. Things just pop up in your screen.

Half of the story is one thing, and the other is trash. Third rate trash.

For real, as good as the gane may seen in the start, don't play it.
Or just laugh at the creative decisions made in this stupid game who could be amazing, but just shot himself in the most important part.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2023
