Gotta say I think this is the oldest game I've ever beaten but that's kinda of cheating since this is a remaster\light remake.

Getting to the actual game I was quite surprised how good it felt. I'm pretty sure that's the remastering helping with controls but it felt great despite being an early FPS. Only part that felt a little iffy was the movement ,it felt slippery, but I felt like you can get use to it.

The story is whatever, this isn't the type of game you play for the story but what's there is interesting and I found the Egyptian inspired unique. I will say near the end some stuff gets revealed that's really cool to see.

What I found most surprising was how "modern" the gameplay felt. For me I never really played to completion a lot of old FPS games because for me I feel like you get the complete gist of the game within the first hour or so. In most older game you get most of the weapons and abilities right at the start so it never feels like you get to see really new stuff most of the game. But Powerslave really paces everything out, every couple of levels it feels like you get a new weapon or abilities right up until the end. The game also has metriodviania elements where you sometimes have to back to older levels to progress the game by find alternative exits with the weapons\abilities you unlocked. And sometimes you can go to older levels for extras, like health upgrades or even items to get an alt ending. For me by the end with all the abilities and weapons you have it feels like a pretty different game which is a crazy thing to see for an early FPS.

Overall that's what surprised me the most was how engaging the game felt. That there was always a new gameplay element every couple of levels. Sure some of the weapons or abilities could be stinkers but the fact that it was there was still cool to me.

Reviewed on May 12, 2024
