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This game fucks HARD. First off, the game is gorgeous, and not just in visuals. Masayoshi Soken absolutely cooked with the soundtrack for the entire game, there isn't a song that I don't consider bad in any way. Unfortunately there are a few downsides that bring down the experience for me a little bit. First off, the time spent wandering between each bombastic boss fight can feel long at times, and splitting Main Quests into two or three additional "Sub-Quests" made me roll my eyes each time. Speaking of quests; the Side Quests. Look up a guide that tells you the important ones, and avoid every other one unless you're a completionist. The effort put into them is pretty low, mainly consisting of three objectives for every one (Talk, Go to area and either talk, fight, or collect an item, and go back. It was initially fine when I started out, but eventually devolved into skipping dialogue just to complete them faster. Combat is good but it usually compared to the likes of Devil May Cry, but not nearly as complex. The different Eikonic abilities are unique, and are kinda crucial to prevent the combat from becoming extremely stale. Speaking of Eikons, the Eikon fights were all amazing, probably the best Final Fantasy bosses I've ever witnessed, maybe even best bosses ever? (Extreme bias towards Phoenix/Ifrit vs Bahamut, that shit was CRAZY.) Overall, my time with FF XVI was great, and I was really invested in how the story would play out. One of the two games in recent memory that made my cry (pretty substantially lmaooo). I have yet to play through Final Fantasy mode, as well as the DLC. At the time of writing this the first DLC is only out, so I will likely wait until both are out/on sale before I partake.

Reviewed on May 06, 2024
