What a dissapointing game. I've enjoyed the first 2 games a lot as a kid, the second one being one of my favorite PS2 games.

This game felt like watching a bad drama, focusing more on the people and seeing how they change and react to the earthquake. Which sounds interesting, but the writing is non-sensical and pointless, I know people see this as "wacky japanese writing" but it just gets tiring after a while. The game is a running joke and it knows it, with a bunch of ridiculous dialogue options which don't matter matter at all. I can run with a joke for a long time but when the levels are so uninteresting with a lack of tension and there's barely anything going on, it's just boring and towards the end it's awful.

Disaster Report has always been about you, the player being in high tense situations, always having a sense of dread and i never felt that here. While also meeting people along the way and taking itself seriously, knowing when to break the ice and not trying to be funny all time.
I just couldn't bring myself to enjoy this entry, not a fan of the direction they're taking it at all, it feels very "yakuza" and it doesn't mix well. If this is your first time playing a Disaster Report game, you'll likely have a good time. After all this time, the concept is still unique and intriguing.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2021
