Nostalgia can often cloud people's judgement and memory with rose-tinted glasses, and with this being a childhood game of mine, maybe I'm a little biased. Yet I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one that thinks that, compared to the many others cheap movie tie-in games from the early and mid 2000s, this is pretty decent and fun.

Sure, it has barely any connection to the Hot Wheels World Race movie gameplay-wise, the race tracks - although fun - are mostly from places that aren't even mentioned being part of Highway 35. But the teams, pilots and their cars are here, and the "story" (No cutscenes or anything, just a reason for progression) is under the same pretext of a race worth a million dollars and the title of best racer in the world, but without Gellorum, Racing Drone and Hot Wheels City. I know budget, scope and hardware wouldn't allow for more faithful recreations, but it's still weird to make a tie-in so loosely connected to the original product.

But as I said, it's fun. The tracks are cool (There's even alternate routes), the driving isn't bad, and they use music from the movie's soundtrack. It's a game meant for older kids, but still decently fun for a weekend. Don't think of this game as shovelware, it's worth some of your time.

SCORE: 6.5/10

Reviewed on Apr 20, 2024
