I actually don't think I know how to feel about this game, it has some very questionable decisions when it came to reviving the franchise after it being dormant for 12 years without a brand-spanking new game, but damn does this one try to mimic Mega Man 2 in a lot of aspects, it's back on its classic 8-bit art style, just to be like Mega Man 2, its very artificial difficulty spike from previous entries just to be like Mega Man 2, making Energy Recharges, Tanks and other collectibles very scarce just to be like Mega Man 2, and probably the worst sin of all Mega Man until now: Getting rid of the Mega Buster and slide mechanic, just to be like Mega Man 2.

Staples of the franchise for a bit over 5 previous games, released in the last millennium just gone. No explanation, no ability to buy them besides playing the Bonus Mode that was sold as DLC back in the day. It really set the franchise back to its very primitive roots and does just not make it fun to play as previous entries.

And the whole downgrade ordeal really sets in with the fact that this game has some of the best Robot Masters and stages, some of the most useful and inventive powers in the whole series thus far all tainted because of the stupid decision with its gameplay and design choice to lay traps everywhere just to appeal to... who? Maybe people were really craving classic 8-bit Mega Man back in the day, sure, not a lot of actual presence or activists for it since this was released when social media was pretty much starting out, but it just begs the question of why did they decide to pander so much to people with nostalgia instead of focusing on making it a better and distinct enough game?

After all those years, and while I'm sure Mega Man 7 and 8 didn't sell all that well, these were respectable evolution of the franchise. It was running its natural course of how a video game series develops over time after refining an art style and making sure it accommodates to both new and old players alike.

Pretty disappointed by, I guess, one of the highest regarded classic Mega Man games in the community. I don't think this is how you should make a revival of a franchise, and for that I just like 8 better.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2023
