Sonic Chaos is, not much more than a basic Sonic platformer for both the Master System and the Game Gear making this the very first portable Sonic ever, and it's not even that bad! For a Master System-level game it does provide cohesive levels, power-ups and enemies... And I guess that's the only real feature of it.

The game features next to none actual story, besides Eggman being in control of the Chaos Emeralds again and getting them back through some short Bonus Stages, which would be cool if they actually did anything, and if the ending or story changed along when you got them, but the only thing that changes really is the ending cutscene and not that much anyways.

The different Zones that are features in the game are cool concepts, but more often that not feel a bit empty and not that inspired. I played the Game Gear version of the game which probably meant that I didn't see too much of the whole game at once since it's a smaller screen, but none of it was very remarkable.

...But still, better than Sonic CD.

Reviewed on May 06, 2023
