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The first title in the Mega Man World series of video games spun off of the classic Mega Man line in the NES, and needless to say, while it isn't a 1:1 adaptation of the first one to the Game Boy, it is different enough to warrant a playthrough, it's short and it's relatively easy, but it also isn't that great.

With the Robot Masters and their stages halved, none of these have much resemblance to their home console counterparts (besides a few enemies) and all feel way more claustrophobic and small because of the game's resolution, making the bosses be easier but also have a different strategy since they are MASSIVE compared to their stage. But they also work with their different weaknesses akin to the NES counterparts, so it's all good.

The Robot Master "Rush" is replaced with 4 other robot masters but from Mega Man 2, for some reason. The Wily Castle is shortened, and it only features one unique boss robot, meanwhile the Wily fight is a bit hard and unfair but nothing a rewind-a-thon can't solve.

Reviewed on May 07, 2023
