Playthrough was done in co-op mode at all times with my then girlfriend, so how the game accomodates to two-player gameplay is practically how I experienced it this time.

Oh man, LEGO Star Wars really is just a childhood classic. Some of the most fun you could find back then definitely shone the most out of this game or its two parts its comprised of, an easily accessible, charming and simple to understand mesh of fun platforming and collecting is what makes this game, and the many other ones to come so much fun to go through, since this very one was the genesis of LEGO games from this point onward.

Now, seeing the game from an adult perspective you can see the parts where it falters, where it shows its age and what were some of the caveats it had to go through that we didn't even knew back in the day, there's a very clear difference in the levels of both LSW1 and LSW2, the former being shorter and sweeter experiences while the latter tends to expand itself way too much and shows less variety.
Pointed out by my girlfriend is how enemies don't drop studs by default making progress on the True Jedi meter difficult at first, a lot of the inaccuracies between the movies and the actual game (when it comes to the characters, the cutscenes or other stuff that isn't necessarily bad, but it goes to show how less advanced the IP and LEGO pieces in general were at the time) how the game is oftentimes just easy as hell, with no real punishment for anything and very simple and straightforward puzzles, how co-op play doesn't feel really well implemented with the puzzles and the general design and environment of the levels, and the fact that to get 100% you have to go through a painstakingly long process of getting every single collectible and playing through every single mode for every story level at the very minimum 4 times.

But, I just cannot stop but think that I still like this game regardless of all of these new inconveniences I've come across when playing it now. The game to this day is still perfectly playable if only a bit boring, you get to laugh again and feel that joy that Traveller's Tales has always put on their LEGO games and how it embraces a saga that you already love from before, made me relive my childhood and I was glad to experience it again with somebody really close to me, and to that I think it's the real charm of LEGO Star Wars, even if the game isn't exactly perfect or too little of a challenge.

shout out to the best character in the entire roster, rebel friend

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2023
