The Metal Gear Solid series shines once more with its second entry, Sons of Liberty, after having used techniques used in film for cinematic storytelling in video games, Sons of Liberty grabs what the first game did for the stealth genre or video games as a whole and runs with it. Seriously, the game experience is absolutely refined with this one, it quite literally is Metal Gear Solid on crack, and the attention to detail, the extent of all the items you can get and situations you can be in while you deal with a very engaging fourth wall-breaking story is immaculate for a 2001 game.

It all really starts to show how deeply existential and unhinged Hideo Kojima's ability to show us a complex and multi-layered metafiction story is when Metal Gear Solid 2 literally predicts and puts the nail in the head when it comes to contemporary themes in the digital era, such as AI and censorship, the abundance of information making us more deterrent to absorb and accept information and what we pass on based on our own precognition, how the absolute state of information out there will create a lot of ignorance for people who choose not to listen, and how humanity would take it moving forward into the future.
It also shows a very good story of existence, showing us Raiden's story literally figuring our who he is and what place does he take in all of this as we're literally shown nothing about him but have to piece together parts of the story based on his interactions with other people that seem to know him.

It's a truly brilliant story with some bone-chilling accuracies, political substory and overall just great dynamics all across its characters, the objectives you have to do being part of a bigger plan all across Big Shell make for a great and unique game experience, even if this one is a bit tamer than Shadow Moses I think it makes the familiarity with the places you're placed on be better as you piece out specific strategies on how to deal with guard placements or room layouts in the different struts.

Can't recommend it enough to anybody looking to play it, it's probably one of the highlights of stuff I've played this year and has pretty much grown a staple in gaming, and for a good reason. I love Raiden, he's such a silly billy.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2023
