Solid introduction for people that want to try some difficult games, the skill curve is way too steep especially with the last 2 levels but I find the first few to be well crafted. The pixel art on display here is absolutely gorgeous, and some bossfights function so well for their time. The weapons are really unbalanced though, spread and the homing rockets are way more effective than the others, some of them even feel like a downgrade at times. For the level design I find the top-down levels to be really interesting but their execution leaves a lot to be desired and they are almost nauseating at times, and the run n’ gun levels have some epic music to accompany them but they sometimes feel really unfair (which is a staple of the genre I guess). Either way, if you want to get into series like Contra and Ghouls n’ Ghosts (I dont know why you would want to in the first place) then check this one out.

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2023
