Imagine everything that on the surface makes you think of Darkest Dungeon but none of the fun you'd get from actually playing it.
The combat is worse, the slow roguelite progression over every failed run feels bad, and the driving is actually terrible.
I'd rather not keep forcing myself to keep playing or hold out for when I finally have enough stuff to make the game fun.
Please stop making games like this that are only fun after you've sunk cost fallacy'd yourself into not being able to remember how much you had to grind to get there.
Darkest Dungeon 1 is a genuinely good and fun party/town management game with a great aesthetic. Darkest Dungeon 2 just feels like it's chasing the roguelite trend with systems that work against wanting to play multiple runs again and again.
Please just go play Darkest Dungeon, this ain't it chief.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

"The combat is worse" yeah, now we're just lying for fun.