This is one of the worst PS4 games I have ever played, it's simply dreadful. I am baffled how this game even released. I borrowed this game from a friend and I still feel like I've been ripped off.

For starters the game is atrociously optimized. Frame drops galore, the world taking up to 30 seconds to load in, insane amounts of lag, random crashes and disconnects, awkward menu controls that are really awful if you are in the heat of combat (hell it can take at least 30 seconds just to reload your gun if you don't have more than one magazine), and the bugs, my god, the bugs. There is a barrage of glitches, like not being able to pick up items, falling through the map, getting stuck on doors, buggy melee combat, getting stuck on zombies, broken hit registration, and inventory bugs.

Even if you get past most of these issues, the game is still practically impossible to play anyway because every server has been looted to high hell. I can't tell you just how many times my character has died of hunger because there is never any food, or any other supplies to help me get anywhere. How does the game expect you to make any progress when you can't get the supplies you need to survive? It's hard just trying to survive for more than 20 minutes because of this and it is just aggravating.

You drop into a server, there's no loot anywhere, so then you just run around for 20-30 minutes not finding a goddamn thing and then you'll die of starvation, the game just turns into a walking simulator. Unless if you partner up with someone to help you, but considering how valuable loot is in this game and the nature of the game itself, everyone just kills each other on sight. There is no such thing as teamwork unless if you play with friends. I've went into at least 30 different servers and I'm always in the same scenario.

And speaking of playing with friends, there is no map screen to help you navigate. I understand this is supposed to be a survival game, but if you are a new player, how in the holy mother of shit are you supposed to know where you are at all times? Especially since the map is incredibly big, too big for its own good. You'll just be wandering around aimlessly like a cockroach without its head. I get that learning the map might seem appealing, but without such basic gameplay features to help you navigate, how are you supposed to meet up with your friends?? Playing with friends is the only reason why I even picked up the game in the first place. How about some friend markers? How about a compass on the screen at all times? Nothing?? God, this game just punishes new players and discourages working with others. Oh right, I have to download a goddamn mobile app that gives me a real life map when it could have just been provided in the game itself, and I also need it because all of the text is in Russian and I can't read it, rather than just having English text pop up on screen in when I reach a town. Joyful..

There are PvP Community servers that you can play in, but it's very rare to find a server that has decent loot refreshes. There have also been at least three instances where my game crashes while I'm standing next to a zombie, and since it takes up to 15 seconds for your character to actually disappear from the server, the zombie kills me and I lose all of my loot. The last time it happened I literally screamed and dropped the game completely. So even when I play in PvP servers, the only time that I actually have fun in the game, the game is like "fuck your fun, now die."

And the Official servers take up to 45 days to refresh the loot drops, which is WAY too long. By the time it's been a week or two, all the servers will have been looted and nothing can ever be found aside from clothing items. Rinse and repeat.

You can rent your own private Community servers for a monthly fee, I believe it's $18. So players are expected to pay more money on top of a game they already payed $50 for just so they can actually PLAY the game?? Go to hell.

So overall this game is the equivalent of highway robbery. Why Sony approved of the sale of this game on their store is one thing, but the fact that it's a port of a PC game from 6 years ago that's being sold for $50 when it's clearly not finished is just insulting. It is truly disgusting and thinking about it makes me nauseous. The game has a great concept but is executed in the worst ways possible. I have better chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse in real life and spotting a group of UFOs in the process. It is awe inspiring just how poorly programmed and incompetently designed this game is, it's giving me Fallout 76 deja vu.

Reviewed on Sep 13, 2020
