Very short visual novel (about two hours long) with essentially nonexistent deviations from the main story (the choices change a few lines only and they only influence whether you get a bonus scene at the end or not).

The game mostly focuses mostly on the topic of insecurities and I think it does a great job at showcasing the two main characters, their problems then later trying to bring a solution. At the same time the story works as an encouragement to the reader! I also think that adding this theme to the story and making it central to the on-going romance makes it much stronger than if there wasn’t any such topic to accompany the love story.

The narration is a bit confusing because of the non-chronological order the story is told in. There is no proper date given for each scene so I was lost at the beginning and didn’t know in what order things were happening. It’s still an interesting choice and it allows the story to speed up its pacing and thus, to not drag.

One thing I really liked about this VN is that there is a small portrait in the bottom left corner of the screen which shows the main character and their expressions, instead of them being invisible like most VNs do. I think this is a really cool feature and I would love to see it in more games.

It’s refreshing playing something that looks this great. There is a lot of care put into the visuals and they are very pleasing to the eyes. There are animations added here and there to make things more alive than they’d be if they were still pictures.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024
