unironic fascist propaganda but for some reason everyones letting it slide, legit i think people dont live up to their beliefs when a shiny new game is put in front of them. same situation as hogwarts legacy, youre part of the problem if you think this is not fascist

Reviewed on Mar 07, 2024


1 month ago

You do know the game is the same as starship troopers right? It satirizes fascist propaganda through over-the-top visuals and messaging.

Like, theres people who dont get that its satire, and people like you where the point completely misses and you unironically believe the game is pro fascist. Then theres people with working media literacy.

1 month ago

fav film checks out

1 month ago

“transracial” ok

1 month ago

it doesnt matter if it satarises it, people love fascist garbage

1 month ago

i havent been on letterboxd in a long time but get out is still one of my favorite films but i dont know what you mean by it checks out?

1 month ago

whats wrong with me being transracial

1 month ago

You do realize that depiction is endorsement unless the developers specifically state otherwise, it doesn't need to be intentional but it is irresponsible to show literal fascism without condemning it in no uncertain terms. Men can't be trusted to be immune to propaganda like that and given the chance some random chud will play helldivers and get delusions about becoming the next H*tler ffs. This shit cannot be let slide and the irony is that the devs could make a really positive impact given the demographics playing the game by teaching them about how dangerous the appeal of fascism is and in how their impulses should be suppressed for the sake of a healthy decent society where people can just be good to eachother without having to worry about getting killed for literally just existing. Don't try talking as if you have media literacy because you should know full well that anything not explicitly antifascist will be corrupted into fascism.

29 days ago

Among us

29 days ago

completely agree with everything @kepler22b says, chuds will take anything from us

28 days ago


28 days ago

hay que bombardear estados unidos asi no salen mas personas con este escaso nivel de comprension