The combination of Hotline Miami style brutality and fast paced stealth mechanics with layers of "PSX style" jank seems like a fun idea but it's unfortunately really not something that pans out to anything interesting. Doesn't help that any jank feels like not an especially consistent factor of the game, where aiming and moving is weird, but then the civilians seem to be a bit overly responsive and create this weird disconnect. The dissonance of systems is even more clear with the way you've got a ranking system that's based on being able to cause as much carnage as possible within a short time while also punishing players heavily for being seen and also seemingly wanting to also encourage players to use stealth by hiding in the shadows etc. It's just not a great combination because none of the elements end up being used properly and everything culminates in a very empty experience, exacerbated by very lacklustre level design. Seemed fun but missed the mark across most of the ways I was interested in, it's not even really that fun as just a slab of total brutality either.

Reviewed on Mar 24, 2023
