May possibly be the most uninspired game I've ever played in my life, with so few redeeming qualities. What was once a fun RPG franchise was dumbed down completely, with world maps and bland levels. There were maybe three levels in the game at most that I at least moderately enjoyed. Kersti is probably the most boring companion ever, and the world is devoid of creative life, instead filled with generic Toads galore. The lack of any story is also mind-boggling, made only worse by strange songs written by seemingly toddlers that play when defeating a chapter boss that are supposed to provide some kind of lore or context.

Everything from the battle system to mechanics devolved into such uselessness. Fighting any enemies at all was detrimental in a game where the core gameplay is battles, and boss battles were rendered nearly impossible unless you found the random Thing sticker, which you had to backtrack to stickerize. This game also removed any cool paper mechanics from prior games (ie: paper plane), with the only replacement being a clunky paperization system; admittedly that idea on its own isn't bad, but it was still a massive downgrade.

There's some fire tracks as this was during Nintendo's jazz age, but that's essentially the only good thing I have to say about this game.

Reviewed on May 04, 2021
