Tough to get into but ultimately worth it, lots of great moments but also lots of boredom and frustration.

It has an oppressive atmosphere, and the pervasive sense that you are just helplessly being tossed around in a warzone where nobody can be trusted. All the work you take on and everyone you meet is very unsavoury. Your cars break, your guns break, your main character has malaria and has frequent episodes even during firefights, small fires can spread and consume a large area.

The total lack of permanance in the world is an important part of its atmosphere, I think, nothing you do really matters - but the speed with which guard outposts become repopulated is really annoying and ultimately has a negative impact on the experience. You can clear out a whole area and return less than a minute later to find everything exactly the same as it was before - same guards, same positions. It's incredibly tedious.

Reviewed on Jan 07, 2023
