Interesting early PS1 game, long before a lot of 3D game design was truly codified. The controls are functional, but sluggish and I felt like wrestling with the controls (particularly the time taken to change direction) comprised almost all of the challenge the game offered. It would really have benefitted from responsive analogue stick controls - unfortunately the PS1 didn't have analogue controllers at this time.

The atmosphere and presentation of the game is charming, the music is with a couple of standout tracks and I really like the visual style and character design.

The platforming works well enough, and most the boss battles were just about the right difficulty for me (I finished most of them with a sliver of health on the first attempt).

The game clocks in at only an hour or so if you don't dawdle, which, though short, I certainly feel like I'd played enough after the second loop!

Reviewed on Jul 26, 2023
