Tangled for Nintendo DS screams shovelware to me. The game is basically a point-and-click sorta deal with mini-games sprinkled throughout. You go around different locations, talk with NPCs, do the chores and participate in mini-games, rinse and repeat. The mini-games themselves are mostly fine, but I think the game is lacking in variety, so after a bit, the game becomes boring to go through and I just wanted it to end. And some mini-games can drag on, like memory ones where you repeat the pattern over and over. Also, one of those memory games involves belching. Have fun! You can actually skip some mini-games if you collect suns, scattered in locations, usually hidden, so there’s a bit of exploration to be had, but some requirements for skipping are absurd, compared to the amount of effort it would take to do the mini-game legit. The game also has shockingly poor performance. Well, not always, but, for instance, there’s a loading time when you load the main menu, which is something I don’t recall seeing in any other game. Just pausing makes you wait! But there are a few moments of lag in the game itself, most notable to me is Snake-like mini-game where you grow Rapunzel’s hair. When the hair gets bigger and you turn frequently, there’s noticeable frame drops. The presentation is also average. The hand-drawn artstyle isn’t very consistent, but usually decent, but there’s also things like characters that look like they’re pre-rendered sprites with limited animations. I also noticed when Rapunzel turns as you walk, her hair gets noticeably cut-off, which makes it feel unpolished. Overall, I don’t think this is a good game, while it may be enjoyable for younger players who don’t know any better, they still deserve better than this.

Reviewed on Sep 11, 2023

1 Comment

3 months ago

Most people here seem to be reviewing the console version, cause oh my god the DS version is actually so, SO bad.