A classic indie platformer, VVVVVV is a simple but challenging and fast-paced game, you can't jump, instead, you flip the gravity to get through tough obstacles. The story is simple - find your missing crewmates in a new strange dimension. The levels themselves are fairly linear with a few branching paths/secrets for trinkets, and some gimmicks, like wraparound or an autoscroller, as well as occasional intermission after you rescue a number of crewmates, but in-between you have a sizeable map that you'll have to explore and choose which levels you want to tackle in which order. It's like a mini-open world, which is neat. The music is fantastic and the graphics are simple, yet pleasing.

There are a couple of issues I have though. First, I think the game is a little too fast at times. There's one room early on called "Driller", where you have to fall down into a different room, but there are spikes down there that you have to weave around. It's basically a blind jump, there's no way to predict the hazards below and you'll likely die on your first playthrough, which does feel a little cheap. And I admit I did use the slowdown accessibility feature a couple of times because things were a little too tense. My second issue is that the physics feel slippery - for a precision platformer, the movement is somewhat loose, it was a common occurence to me to slide into hazards because you carry quite a bit of forward momentum. I think Super Meat Boy feels more polished in that regard.

Still, at the end of the day I did enjoy my time with it. It's also quite replayable the main campaign itself is just under an hour if you know what you're doing, or hour and a half if you go for all the trinkets (you don't have to collect them all again after you unlock the lab, so you can focus on any%) - try lowering your death count, which I did. On a replay I ended up with 162, which is decent enough. You can do time trials, flip mode, try your luck at Super Graviton, and a few others, as well as a level editor, so you can try custom levels made over the net. It's not amazing, but it's still quite a fun little title and overall a good game.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024
