A true nerdish delight.

Dyson Sphere Program feels both fresh and familiar. A big piece of this game is building logistics, similar to Factorio. You’ll mine ore, create smelters, assemble features, and then build upwards. But unlike Factorio this isn’t about a single planet. You’ll be able to travel planets and build bases. At least I assume so, it takes a long time to get going on this game.

However the addictive elements of Factorio are still here, and after three hours of playing I had to choose between losing myself in the game or stopping for the night, I stopped but it was close. However this is still in Early access, which is a shame because it’s so well done, but major features appear to still be missing such as enemies to fight.

Pick this up if you like Factorio or any of those nerdy games I like. Pretty much anything by Zachtronics probably would put you in the right area for this title. Honestly, this feels really well done, and highly polished to the point that I’m likely going to be coming back and spending way too many hours here.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games on Game Pass, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel: https://youtu.be/-pXRVpyf2rc

Reviewed on Oct 20, 2022
