An interesting take on alchemy.

Potion Craft is a simple game, you gather ingredients from your garden, grind up potions and then sell them to customers who come with a variety of issues. The key feature of the game is how you craft potions. It revolves around moving across a map to decide which effects to add to the potion and each ingredient moves your marker a bit. Exploring the map and trying different things allows you to discover more of the game.

The downside is that the game is stingy with new features, apparently, the game says a new feature is coming each time you level up, but the game teased me for that for at least thirty minutes straight, and finally, I gave up because I couldn’t find it. The pacing is pretty bad. Also, some customers in the game want a potion but don’t make it clear exactly what they want, and there are only so many healing potions you can make or try to make the perfect tier three potion before the game becomes too annoying to go on.

Pick this up to try something new. I had to look this up because part of my brain was screaming that it’s from someone like Zachtronics, it’s not, though it fits in that same category. It's mostly a simulator, but also an engaging experience, and I probably will return eventually. This is not the type of game you should sit down and play through straight, it’s probably better if you play in shorter bursts and if I had done so, I would enjoy this more.

I covered this game as part of the Game Pass for December 2022, if you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games on Game Pass, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2022
