I absolutely love this game! Having just played through the whole Mario and Luigi franchise, I was expecting Paper Mario to just be more of that, but it actually has a significantly different feel.

Paper Mario is extremely genuine, and that has left a deep impression on me. The simple and stout character designs, thick outlines, simple yet moving story, and merry music all contribute to a very prominent feeling of innocent whimsy. Even though I do not have any nostalgia for this game, playing it felt similar to playing some of the coziest games from my childhood.

Despite my general distaste for turn based RPGs, I am a big fan of Paper Mario's turn based combat with timed action commands. It keeps me consistently attentive and entertained in combats where I would be bored without the action commands. I do wish that the action commands were more varied though, as between Mario and his 8 party members, almost all of your actions use one of the same 6 input commands. I was pretty tired of mashing A and repeatedly flicking the stick left by the end of the game.

Exploring the world of Paper Mario was very fun. The environments are very cute and aesthetically pleasing and the world feels very rich! I am very impressed by how much effort was put into minor features, such as the number of side quests for you to complete and the astounding amount of dialogue written for Goombario when you ask him about almost any NPC or environment. This combined with the interconnectedness of the entire map made the world feel very whole.

The difficulty of this game is very elastic, as you are given the freedom to choose where almost all of your level-up stat buffs should be assigned. I chose to put all of my stats into Badge Points, and then into Flower Points after capping out my BP. This made the game MUCH more difficult since my maximum health remained extremely low for the whole playthrough. If I were upgrading stats with the purpose of maximizing effectiveness I do think that the game would have ended up being pretty trivial. It would be a bummer if you did that on a first playthrough expecting the game to be more challenging, but at least for repeat playthroughs, the level-up mechanics are very appreciated for allowing difficulty customization.

Paper Mario was a treat to play, with its childlike aesthetic, engaging combat, and captivatingly innocent world. I'm looking forward to playing The Thousand Year Door in the near future after this wonderful experience.

Reviewed on May 06, 2024
