This ROM hack is a really cute mod for the original GBC TCG. The only thing changed is the cards available for the player/trainers to use, but it was still really fun seeing all the new cards artwork and abilities. I encountered a few bugs while playing, but it was nothing major.

My one big complaint with the game is that it felt way too easy after I got a couple good cards. Slowbro was my MVP by a huge margin. With a cheap and powerful attack and 20 innate damage resistance, it could win any 1v1 and often would be able to knock out opponents without taking any damage. Slowbro was so strong there wasn't really any incentive to experiment with other decks. I would have also loved if the games progression were streamlined from the original's, since the mandatory battles gating off the club leaders in the second half of the game felt like a waste of time when they stood no chance against my deck. I would have enjoyed the game much more if it were shorter, as I was losing interest after I stopped encountering new cards.

I played the Legacy version of this game, which keeps the effects and stats of cards as close to the official cards as possible. Maybe the experience would be better when playing with the alternate version balanced by the ROM-hacker, I'll have to try that version if I play this again. But overall, this game is a love letter to the original GBC game and is worth checking out if you liked the original.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
