A very fun FPS Roguelite!!

I knew very little about deadlink before its full launch but after its release I grew interested in it and got it through a bundle recently. Having little knowledge I was curious about what this game would be like and I am honestly really pleased with the outcome. This is a very fun , fast paced and challenging FPS game that will test your skills.

What makes it so fun?

I just think this fast paced style of FPS games works well with the roguelite genre. It gives you heavy doom reboot vibes which is a very good thing making you always focus during encounters. With fun gunplay , movement , build variety this makes for an overall great package that I 100% can recommend if it sounds like something you might want to try. I don’t really want to get too in depth with mechanics but there is 1 character to choose from in which you unlock 3 more as you progress and do multiple runs. While the game starts off pretty much unbeatable you quickly will level up your character through a perm skill tree that will make the game tons easier if you learn boss patterns. I have heard people complaining about how hard it is but honestly I did not struggle after a certain point until hitting the hardest difficulty which is pretty damn brutal. I just had so much trying out new classes , weapons , skills because as usual once you stumble across an OP build for a run it truly is an amazing feeling to shred everything. Each character plays vastly differently which makes for a refreshing gameplay loop if you want to try someone else out. A core mechanic across the board is shield regain in which when you use a specific skill on an enemy and by killing them they will drop shields. This is crucial as if you don't utilize this enough you will simply lose runs a lot more so make sure you build around your shield skill and use it at any given moment you can!. After trying each character I landed on Engineer which I found to be very fun / powerful and have beaten multiple playthroughs with him only. I won’t speak on the other characters as I didn’t play them nearly as much but for sure give Engineer a go when you unlock them. There is just something so exhilarating about high action / fast paced FPS games that always stick with me and this game simply hits the spot.

What I didn’t like?

I don’t have many complaints about this game past a few. To begin, The bosses do feel pretty basic and lacking; they don’t really try anything too crazy which makes them very easily learnable. This can become a problem because it hits a certain point where the bosses simply pose no challenge and most of the challenging will be within the stage by stage leading up to the bosses. Furthermore, the enemy variety is also lackluster as they just give them different looks in each area past a couple new enemies in the later areas. I didn’t really mind it too much but I do wish they would have created a more vast variety of them.

In the end

An overall great game I enjoyed my time with and probably will return to it as time passes on. This game has made me realize how much I would love even more FPS rougelike/lite games in this fashion because the 2 genres really do blend well with one another. The game imo is worth at full price for how fun it is and its replay value alone but I can recommend it 9439394% on sale.

Reviewed on Dec 19, 2023
