And here we are. The final FEAR game and boy what a bad note to end on. You know the game isn't that terrible to its core the gunplay is pretty fun and the story is still interesting but the matter of the fact is this is NOT a fear game and is a terrible FEAR game. And while I say the story is interesting I will also say I do not like how they handled specific things with specific characters that I won't get into for spoiler reasons. And I wasn't a fan of the atmosphere in 3 it really lost the creepiness and dreadful feeling that FEAR 1 and 2 have. Overall it could have been a lot worse but due to how amazing FEAR 1 is and how meh FEAR 2 is people were really hoping for 3 to bring so much to the table and it failed in a lot of ways and really rubbed the fan base the wrong way which I can understand but playing this game in 2022 is really interesting in many ways. I say just don't go into this game expecting the greatness that FEAR 1 brought to the FPS genre just go into 3 expecting a COD game in the FEAR world and maybe you might have a decent time.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2022
