This is a damn near perfect game that has simply blown me away in many ways. Sitting at 63 hours there is still so much to explore and do that its honestly mind boggling how much content is shoved into this game. I have finished the main storyline however which is why I am doing this review but know there is SO much else to do. However I am currently having a blast invading other people and doing PVP duels with other people so that has taken up more time for me. I really don't know what else to say with this game I mean if you love souls game you 100% have already bought this game and are probably in love with it as well.

If you are new and don't know if you would enjoy it I still 100% recommend this game I have about 3-4 friends who were NEVER into souls games and found them to hard and annoying but all bought elden ring and have been in love with this game so yes I do recommend highly for newcomers as well. The game may be tough and you may be stuck on a boss for awhile but it is rewarding to beat a boss and you are always able to summon other people online to help you defeat any boss that you are stuck at.

And don't let people tell you how to play this game. If you find a OP weapon or build use it. If you want to CO OP every boss do it. If you want to cheese every boss that is cheeseable do it. This game is always meant to be played HOW you want to play and enjoy it. Never let others tell you what you can or can't do with souls games.

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2022
