Man I am very bummed out about this game after really enjoying my time with the first one.

I simply just did not think this game was good at all honestly and by the end I was just dragging myself to finish it. So much of the charm from the first game is gone in more ways then one. While this game is supposed to be cheesy and was one of the things I loved about the first game this game has a more heavy emphasis on focusing on the characters and story through more dialogue which imo really did not work in its favor.

The gameplay and camera both were worse from the camera angles messing with you to bugs and glitches to just the combat not being that fun. I do like how there are more weapons to obtain but how you obtain them is just stupid forcing you to find 3 keys in each level instead of just coming across the weapons like you usually do in these games. And the puzzles are a bit tougher but honestly the puzzles sucked in both games LOL

The story was never something amazing but I just did not care about the cast in the sequel and really didn't care when certain things happened which I won't get into for spoiler reasons.

Overall I just don't think the sequel is a good game to me and I am bummed out because I really had a good time with obscured 1 even with its flaws.

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2023

1 Comment

11 months ago

its insane that they did this game as a sequel, its like the devs changed and they hated the OG devs and wanted to fuck the first game just for shits and giggles, insanity