They took Doom 1 and perfected it.

I had some issues with doom 1 but at the same time didn’t really hold it too hard against them as they were testing the waters with that title. I am very happy though that they seriously perfected the formula with doom 2 to an insane level honestly. I loved pretty much everything about this game which I am about to get into!.

What made me like it so much more?

First off, instead of episodes we simply get 1 big episode which I really like over separate episodes. Furthermore, they really upped the level design as I found myself only disliking a couple levels out of them all which I couldn’t say about Doom 1. As well the additional new enemy types were all very good since they all brought something new to the table alongside a new layer of difficulty. Speaking of difficulty they got it perfect with this title as I was genuinely struggling with some levels. To elaborate, I played on Hurt me plenty and throughout Doom 1 I never once had any issues past the absurd level spike midway through. With doom 2 the difficulty felt very fair for the most part as I saw myself really thinking about how I want to tackle down certain levels as some of the new enemy types are deadly. As well the super shotgun is amazing and a blast to use. I always chose it over the base shotgun unless I was low on ammo. Furthermore the final boss design is awesome and while the boss itself isn’t anything special in today's standard for its time it's honestly amazing. Overall this game is the godfather of its genre and for very good reason it's an action packed great time.

Not much more to say

There really isn’t a lot more to get into with Doom 2 it's more of doom 1 but wayyyyyyyyyy better with a banging OST. You know doom and most likely have already played it but if you haven’t I do recommend checking out the first 2 titles they are very solid and very cheap. Even cheaper if you have gamepass since they are on gamepass.

The enemy designs are rad.

Reviewed on Aug 14, 2023
