Palworld is an odd mix of mechanics from various existing games and genres that somehow work to form a surprisingly cohesive and enjoyable experience. From base building and automation, to roaming an open world and catching a bunch of cool and cute pals, to survival mechanics and crafting. There's a lot of variety to each mechanic and they naturally feed into each other, creating a fun and addictive gameplay loop.

But despite the initial praise, it is still an early access game and has its flaws. The pathing of pals can be really jank and they often get caught on objects, leading them to constantly being stuck and necessitating a lot of extra micromanaging. There's not a lot of variety to the body shapes and types of pals in the world - a lot of them use very similar skeletons. And then there's the question of plagiarism, as both the mechanics and pals are dangerously close to feeling cloned.

I am excited to see more of it going forward and I hope its extreme popularity helps propel its progress.

Reviewed on Feb 03, 2024
