Improves some things from the previous game like variety in levels or being able to open doors while holding bodies xd
Sam finds himself in many more scenarios in this game, which is really refreshing after the first game's levels, which were mostly just building (oil rig level was cool tho).
I think except for the last, the level design in this game was very solid :>

It does have a few issues of course.
The alarm system is just unfair and I can't imagine playing this game without save states/quick saves. Unfortunately, this makes the game very trial and error. This is my main reason as to why I recommend playing the game emulated, even if emulation isn't butter-smooth for this game.
Then there's the NPCs having a weird combination of being legally blind and having wall hacks. At some points they can't see you in kissing distance and at other points they spot you through objects.

Now, in case you're interested in playing this game, I recommend that if you want to play it emulated you either choose PS2 or Gamecube and if you want to play it on the real thing, then play it on Xbox (I've at least heard that the Xbox version is the best).
PC just doesn't work from my experience and isn't even worth a try, unless you have a PC from around 2004 xd.

Reviewed on Aug 11, 2023
